Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Health insurance and related meanings

1. Health insurance is the insurance forms are applied in the field of health care, not-for-profit purposes, due to the State of implementation and the object is responsible for participation under the provisions of this law.

2. medical insurance for the entire population are the objects specified in this law are taking health insurance.

3. the health insurance Fund is the financial fund formed from closed sources of health insurance and the other, legitimate source of revenue used to pay medical expenses of healing for participants of health insurance, the cost of managing the Organization's health insurance and legal costs related to medical insurance.

4. The employers include State agencies, the public, the people's armed units, political organization, social-political organizations, life insurance, social-political organizations, social organizations, social-professional organizations, cooperative enterprises, individual business households and other organizations; foreign organizations, international organizations active on the territory of Vietnam is responsible for health insurance premiums.

5. The base doctor, cure health insurance was the original basis of the consultations, the first healing according to the register of  health insurance participants and noted in the medical insurance card.

6. health insurance examiner's professional activity by health insurance organizations to assess the rationality of medical service provision for medical insurance participants, as a basis for payment of the costs of medical examination and treatment for health insurance.

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