Monday, December 14, 2015

Sneaky ways social media could hurt your career

Nunc tincidunt, elit non cursus euismod, lacus augue ornare metus, egestas imperdiet nulla nisl quis mauris. Suspendisse a pharetra urna. Morbi dui lectus, pharetra nec elementum eget, vulputate ut nisi. Aliquam accumsan, nulla sed feugiat vehicula, lacus justo semper libero, quis porttitor turpis odio sit amet ligula. Duis dapibus fermentum orci, nec malesuada libero vehicula ut. Integer sodales, urna eget interdum eleifend, nulla nibh laoreet nisl, quis dignissim mauris dolor eget mi. Donec at mauris enim. Duis nisi tellus, adipiscing a convallis quis, tristique vitae risus. Nullam molestie gravida lobortis. Proin ut nibh quis felis auctor ornare. Cras ultricies, nibh at mollis faucibus, justo eros porttitor mi, quis auctor lectus arcu sit amet nunc. Vivamus gravida vehicula arcu, vitae vulputate augue lacinia faucibus.
Donec volutpat nibh sit amet libero ornare non laoreet arcu luctus. Donec id arcu quis mauris euismod placerat sit amet ut metus. Sed imperdiet fringilla sem eget euismod. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque adipiscing, neque ut pulvinar tincidunt, est sem euismod odio, eu ullamcorper turpis nisl sit amet velit. Nullam vitae nibh odio, non scelerisque nibh. Vestibulum ut est augue, in varius purus.
Quisque ligulas ipsum, euismod atras vulputate iltricies etri elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla nunc dui, tristique in semper vel, congue sed ligula. Nam dolor ligula, faucibus id sodales in, auctor fringilla libero. Pellentesque pellentesque tempor tellus eget hendrerit. Morbi id aliquam ligula. Aliquam id dui sem. Proin rhoncus consequat nisl, eu ornare mauris tincidunt vitae. Vestibulum sodales ante a purus volutpat euismod. Proin sodales quam nec ante sollicitudin lacinia. Ut egestas bibendum tempor. Morbi non nibh sit amet ligula blandit ullamcorper in nec risus. Pellentesque fringilla diam faucibus tortor bibendum vulputate. Etiam turpis urna, rhoncus et mattis ut, dapibus eu nunc. Nunc sed aliquet nisi. Nullam ut magna non lacus adipiscing volutpat. Aenean odio mauris, consectetur quis consequat quis, blandit a nunc. Sed orci erat, placerat ac interdum ut, suscipit eu augue. Nunc vitae mi tortor. Ut vel justo quis lectus elementum ullamcorper volutpat vel libero.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Why A Partially-Painted Room Could Be Best

 Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed nec laoreet orci, eget ullamcorper quam. Phasellus lorem neque, scelerisque et faucibus vitae, dapibus eu erat. Duis feugiat leo eu interdum aliquam. Aliquam egestas, lorem a tristique sodales, erat magna ultricies lacus, in viverra erat lorem sit amet turpis. Vivamus laoreet consectetur fringilla. Nam ac consectetur orci, ac eleifend sem. Ut dictum dignissim tellus, ac volutpat purus aliquam et. Donec nibh mauris, vehicula eu iaculis eget, ornare vel libero. Donec non molestie libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras eu orci quis magna mollis imperdiet. Ut ante mauris, rhoncus vel bibendum eu, malesuada vitae lectus. Nunc luctus sem at tempor rutrum. Duis ultricies, felis ut malesuada gravida, ante diam fringilla nibh, vel pharetra felis felis sed dui. Ut eget sem id mi faucibus molestie.
Nam scelerisque turpis eu tellus ultrices ullamcorper. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean pretium urna eu mauris suscipit, quis pellentesque lacus imperdiet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas leo odio, dignissim eget fringilla et, semper ac justo. Proin sodales vestibulum ultricies. Duis porttitor enim nibh, eget dictum diam semper pretium. Nam eleifend nisi eu nisi tempor fermentum. Quisque pellentesque mi non dui laoreet porttitor. Aenean nec justo quis neque viverra gravida. Aenean scelerisque at massa ac consectetur. Nam aliquet leo quis felis egestas, ut congue arcu elementum. Vestibulum varius urna et lectus pretium, ac iaculis dolor lacinia. Sed pulvinar dapibus egestas. Fusce dolor diam, tempor eu auctor at, laoreet in dui.
Vivamus molestie sed urna ut blandit. Phasellus condimentum neque vel dui cursus, eu egestas ipsum vulputate. Nulla elementum aliquet sapien, facilisis fringilla sem condimentum nec. Pellentesque a risus arcu. Ut lacinia fringilla lobortis. Sed id nunc et mi convallis vestibulum. Phasellus auctor nisi felis. Donec dolor arcu, pharetra quis est et, ultrices feugiat sem. Ut vestibulum varius eros in sollicitudin. Nam a interdum urna. Duis facilisis eget ante vel eleifend. Aliquam imperdiet lobortis lacus ac volutpat.
Mauris sed scelerisque eros. Aliquam cursus orci mauris, et egestas enim bibendum rutrum. Nullam tristique enim rutrum ante fringilla cursus. In mollis, odio sit amet fringilla congue, elit nulla sagittis justo, ut volutpat sem arcu a magna. Vivamus quis massa felis. Nunc id tincidunt dolor. Praesent sed lorem accumsan, pretium turpis vel, auctor nisi. Nulla at diam nec massa tristique placerat. Ut non mi ut enim laoreet interdum id in odio. Quisque gravida lectus ut ipsum ultrices laoreet. Fusce a velit dictum, porttitor sem vitae, dapibus ligula. Morbi at magna justo.
Morbi vulputate dapibus pulvinar. Duis pharetra bibendum blandit. Donec sagittis quam at mi fringilla auctor. Sed pretium egestas orci molestie molestie. Nunc accumsan est vitae auctor malesuada. Nunc vitae feugiat ligula, ac vulputate purus. Ut libero libero, varius sed dictum id, lacinia in sapien. Vestibulum pulvinar quis ligula et fringilla. Nullam nec augue lorem.

Aliquam sed eros erat. Mauris ullamcorper dolor id nisl blandit, ultricies eleifend sem sollicitudin. Cras volutpat tellus vitae ligula vulputate, ut porta dolor feugiat. Donec posuere risus eget dolor condimentum scelerisque. Maecenas malesuada felis vel viverra hendrerit. Cras interdum euismod pulvinar. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque tellus elit, viverra eget suscipit a, malesuada non tellus. Duis et leo vulputate, laoreet nulla ac, faucibus nibh. Ut vitae ligula ut eros condimentum eleifend. Duis vulputate imperdiet libero, et porta odio placerat vitae. Duis nec imperdiet elit.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

12 shoes you wore as a kid that are back and better than ever

Suspendisse nisi sem, cursus eget libero egestas, euismod aliquam dolor. Phasellus ut posuere leo, sed egestas arcu. Nullam tempus nec sem ac accumsan. Morbi nec lectus luctus, lacinia magna ac, luctus justo. Donec sagittis diam sed velit luctus faucibus.

Duis egestas turpis ut metus congue, non porttitor nunc vehicula. Ut pretium aliquam nisi, vel rutrum nisi sodales vel. Phasellus egestas arcu massa, sed porttitor purus facilisis ut. Photo Credit: izzygator Vivamus volutpat ornare velit non egestas. Ut eget vehicula dolor. Ut a interdum velit. Cras eget suscipit ligula. Pellentesque id diam orci. Integer vel tortor lacus.

Etiam blandit non erat ut iaculis. Quisque semper mi vitae nibh pulvinar, id vulputate lectus imperdiet. Sed posuere imperdiet quam, ut egestas sem gravida ut. Cras in rutrum augue. Fusce ante justo, porta a orci non, adipiscing porta velit.

Just in: Most popular baby names of 2013

Donec rutrum tincidunt tortor vel commodo. Suspendisse congue lectus eget neque sodales, a ullamcorper sapien malesuada. Cras pellentesque, nibh id eleifend tincidunt, mauris velit pellentesque nisi, at tristique nibh nunc ac justo.
  • Sed ligula risus
  • Vulputate non
  • Massa eget
  • Porta sollicitudin arcu.
  • Nulla facilisi.
Sed leo eu adipiscing. Ut vitae diam eu magna ullamcorper egestas et in nisl. Sed sit amet diam ac risus vestibulum venenatis quis et velit. Nunc suscipit libero felis, eu sollicitudin enim hendrerit vehicula.Photo 
Donec ut eleifend urna. Pellentesque a erat vel sem auctor faucibus. Vivamus sapien massa, commodo sed fringilla ac, eleifend a tortor. Etiam lobortis turpis nec lacinia dignissim. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean lobortis elit metus, sed condimentum risus bibendum ac. Pellentesque id leo tristique, imperdiet sapien ut, feugiat lorem. Duis fermentum eu purus in consequat. Nunc lacinia, erat sed tristique consectetur, massa leo malesuada justo, eget posuere leo nulla at leo.
Phasellus eleifend nunc sed tellus bibendum, sed luctus lectus consectetur. Nam mattis, enim eu auctor hendrerit, felis massa volutpat turpis, non pulvinar mi mi quis ipsum. Fusce tincidunt augue eu erat ornare euismod. Suspendisse at est in dui malesuada lacinia. Vestibulum in odio eleifend, eleifend turpis a, pellentesque lectus. Phasellus odio enim, consequat facilisis magna et, consectetur iaculis sapien. Integer vitae felis sed nisl vestibulum eleifend.

The Stylish, Kid-Friendly Home. Here’s How it look.

Suspendisse non arcu at dolor placerat porttitor ac id ante. Mauris eleifend vehicula sapien et semper. Proin nec urna urna. Donec semper urna venenatis sollicitudin elementum. Duis eget metus id lacus lobortis tristique. Sed dapibus feugiat ultricies. Morbi luctus porta nunc, nec molestie tellus bibendum quis. Nullam urna erat, posuere quis varius non, bibendum eget eros. Sed sodales condimentum ante, ut ornare quam fringilla nec. Mauris vehicula a sem ut egestas.Photo Credit: Ani-Bee. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In ut blandit mauris. Vivamus vestibulum condimentum ipsum, eu hendrerit massa blandit et.

 The Stylish, Kid-Friendly Home. Here’s How it look. Suspendisse commodo sapien eget nunc pulvinar, tempus interdum mauris pharetra. Ut vel massa eget sapien faucibus egestas. Nam vehicula aliquet ligula vitae aliquam. Aenean congue vestibulum massa. Proin mattis quis eros vel gravida. Suspendisse sollicitudin nunc vitae sapien fermentum interdum.

 Etiam ac pretium metus. Proin bibendum sem non sem tristique placerat. Mauris sit amet nulla dictum mauris egestas fermentum. Donec in elit ut orci suscipit faucibus. Ut tempor nisi sit amet urna auctor tincidunt. Maecenas vel malesuada tortor, vitae ullamcorper nulla. Vivamus sollicitudin eros lectus, sed varius odio tempus fringilla. Maecenas sed viverra nunc. Curabitur sed nibh in nunc fermentum semper a eu neque. Suspendisse mattis felis ut massa viverra, vitae laoreet est semper. Pellentesque molestie velit a rhoncus dignissim. In fringilla volutpat erat, ac rutrum sem ornare et. Proin elit mi, interdum et sapien ut, volutpat porta urna. Sed accumsan mi felis, sit amet hendrerit lectus venenatis eu. Vestibulum risus ligula, porttitor at ultrices consequat, mollis quis massa.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Best Snack Ever: Mini Mac and Cheese Cupcakes

Curabitur leo enim, tincidunt vitae sagittis ut, tempor viverra nunc. Integer mattis metus id fermentum pretium. Nulla euismod velit quis lacus dignissim, eget porta quam euismod. Aliquam adipiscing rutrum tellus quis bibendum. Fusce eget nibh tellus. Suspendisse in lacinia elit. Nulla interdum lacus turpis, eu pellentesque felis rhoncus nec.Photo Credit: ajagendorf25

 Mauris neque enim, venenatis eu auctor et, auctor ac velit. Donec ut dolor feugiat, interdum purus quis, sollicitudin dolor. Pellentesque neque dui, sollicitudin nec iaculis in, ornare pretium nunc. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus eget mauris semper, hendrerit dui eu, viverra nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Best Snack Ever: Mini Mac and Cheese Cupcakes.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras semper sollicitudin arcu sit amet interdum. Pellentesque in sapien a diam varius scelerisque sed aliquam nunc. Suspendisse id pretium lectus. Sed non dolor vulputate, dictum urna eu, aliquet libero. Aliquam quis dolor risus. Nullam a aliquet arcu. Aenean hendrerit augue turpis, sit amet vestibulum est pharetra id. Etiam gravida, est vel porta feugiat, est eros ultrices justo, id vestibulum quam est sed erat. Phasellus pharetra, purus sed fringilla pretium, justo felis interdum nibh, eu cursus est leo vitae magna. Sed eget neque vel purus placerat ullamcorper eu in ligula. Nulla mollis varius odio a ornare. Maecenas lobortis lectus nisl, tempus gravida ligula ultricies ut.

Eight Ways to Smarten up Your Home

Curabitur leo enim, tincidunt vitae sagittis ut, tempor viverra nunc. Integer mattis metus id fermentum pretium. Nulla euismod velit quis lacus dignissim, eget porta quam euismod. Aliquam adipiscing rutrum tellus quis bibendum. Fusce eget nibh tellus.

Suspendisse in lacinia elit. Nulla interdum lacus turpis, eu pellentesque felis rhoncus nec.Photo Credit: ajagendorf25 Mauris neque enim, venenatis eu auctor et, auctor ac velit. Donec ut dolor feugiat, interdum purus quis, sollicitudin dolor. Pellentesque neque dui, sollicitudin nec iaculis in, ornare pretium nunc. Nulla facilisi.

 Vivamus eget mauris semper, hendrerit dui eu, viverra nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Best Snack Ever: Mini Mac and Cheese Cupcakes. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras semper sollicitudin arcu sit amet interdum. Pellentesque in sapien a diam varius scelerisque sed aliquam nunc.

 Suspendisse id pretium lectus. Sed non dolor vulputate, dictum urna eu, aliquet libero. Aliquam quis dolor risus. Nullam a aliquet arcu. Aenean hendrerit augue turpis, sit amet vestibulum est pharetra id. Etiam gravida, est vel porta feugiat, est eros ultrices justo, id vestibulum quam est sed erat. Phasellus pharetra, purus sed fringilla pretium, justo felis interdum nibh, eu cursus est leo vitae magna. Sed eget neque vel purus placerat ullamcorper eu in ligula. Nulla mollis varius odio a ornare. Maecenas lobortis lectus nisl, tempus gravida ligula ultricies ut.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Seamen show their sense of fashion

It was not exactly what any of them had in mind when they enlisted, but this week seven able seamen in Portsmouth have been working as models to give 500 sailors an opportunity of expressing an opinion on seven different uniforms submitted by civilian and naval designers at the request of the service. In groups of 20 the sailors have watched their mates parade the new uniforms and then filled in a questionnaire, awarding points to each style. Audiences at the modelling sessions have been limited to 20 on the advice of a Ministry of Defence psychologist. He suggested that if a large group of sailors was let in to observe the modelling sessions, the comments might not be as controlled as the Admiralty wanted. Instead, the models - all of them volunteers - have come through with a minimum of catcalls, wolf-whistles, and ribbing. Yesterday, a special show was put on for the press from which all sailors but the models were excluded. Somewhat self-consciously, each of the models walked on to the Victoria Theatre’s stage yesterday, most of them suffering from the same problem that besets amateur actors - not knowing what to do with their hands. Eight strides one way, eight strides back, and a pause to demonstrate how the blue collar of the particular uniform detached itself, completed the individual performance. Then all returned to stand in line with an eighth sailor in the present uniform, for comparisons to be made. A committee of 16 senior naval officers, including three Wrens, will take the final decision on the new uniforms after the opinions of the 500 ratings have been analysed. The new uniform will be given to 100 sailors for a 12-month trial before it is finally issued to 25,000 ratings. A survey of more than 2,000 sailors last year indicated that most men wanted a uniform which was easier to maintain and easier to get on and off, but there was no general desire for the new uniform to look radically different from the present “square rig” design. Supplied with results of the survey, each of the designers has discarded the old tubular bell-bottom trousers, which required five or seven - according to the height of the seaman - horizontal creases, which had to be put in with an iron.

Star signings: eight standout Premier League football kits for 2015/16

It’s the summer transfer window, time to get rid of the dead wood and brighten things up with new signings. That’s not just in your team’s dressing room but in your wardrobe, too. Here is a selection of the best of the Premier League’s parade of pricey new kits that you might not be too embarrassed to wear on the terraces. Swansea away Kyle Bartley of Swansea City Facebook Twitter Pinterest Kyle Bartley of Swansea City. Photograph: Tony Marshall/Getty Images The fashion view: How to make an impact on the pitch before you even kick a ball? Dressing in a combination of lime green and navy blue should do it. Swansea’s away kit is a very Nike Huarache colourway, and a contrast to home, which is white, elegant and very minimal, just as you might expect for a team dubbed the Swans. This kit shows they have something else in their locker: a bit of flair. With a statement like that, Garry Monk’s team has the potential to move into the top six this season – in the fashion league, anyway. (LC) The sport view: Kermit-green shorts, plus humbug-stripe shirt, crowned with super-weird sponsors’ logo containing full coded details of the forthcoming robot apocalypse. Continues the Swansea tradition of experimental away kits. Unfortunately this one looks like it was designed by a toddler on a Haribo high. (BR) Norwich City third Sébastien Bassong of Norwich City Facebook Twitter Pinterest Sébastien Bassong of Norwich City. Photograph: Paul Chesterton/Focus Images Ltd The fashion view: For football fans, the third kit is in the hinterland of the sport – a sort of niche choice to wear in the stands, like buying APC over Levi’s. In Norwich’s case this season, the cult of the third kit may be quite small – their third shirt has already come up against winces of pain from the online football community, due to the unusual colour combination: stripes of green, mustard and primrose. Actually it’s very middle-America in the 70s (think The Brady Bunch) and, therefore, as we say in fashion, totally now. (LC) The sport view: Kitschy nightmare. Two main problems here: (a) a strong resemblance to a 1970s geography textbook diagram of sedimentary rock formation; (b) a strong resemblance to Norwich’s other two kits, making this one not just tasteless but pointless. Two-goal head start to the opposition. (BR) Watford home Watford's José Manuel Jurado Facebook Twitter Pinterest Watford’s José Manuel Jurado. Photograph: David Davies/PA The fashion view: Watford’s return to the Premier League this season has been marked by the club with a kit that visually spells out their nickname, the Hornets. It’s yellow and black, just like the insect. Still, the Kate Middleton school of literal dressing (tennis whites for Wimbledon etc) is swerved a bit by having the stripes graduate as they go up the shirt, bringing a bit of a Bridget Riley look to proceedings. Op Art on the pitch at Vicarage Road every other weekend, the Premier League in the modern era is a very cultured place. (LC) The sport view: Classic Watford gold with Venetian blind-style black stripes and competing animal motifs. Who would win a fight between a moose, a puma and a hornet? Nobody can say for sure. But at least we know what it might look like now. (BR) Arsenal away Arsenal's Francis Coquelin. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Arsenal’s Francis Coquelin. Photograph: JMP/Rex Shutterstock The fashion view: There seems to be a bit of a thing with triangles on kits this season – both Newcastle United and Arsenal have them. Arsenal’s, as befits a team in the top four, is the more luxe version. Theirs comes in gold and with a smart little V at the neck. This is the second season the London team have worked with Puma, and the fitted shape and ultra-stretchy fabric continue on the shirts. A hybrid of a Chris Froome cycling jersey and Kardashian-worthy gym Lycra, they’re great for football professionals but may prove less forgiving for fans. Expect to see a Clock End revival of the roomier JVC shirt as a result. (LC) The sport view: Classic Arsenal blue and yellow, but with a respectful nod to casual terrace culture in the 1980s with those golfing-sweater diamonds. Horrible in an interesting way. (BR) Manchester City home Manchester City's Bacary Sagna (L) and Vietnam's Vo Huy Toan at My Dinh stadium in Hanoi, July 2015. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Manchester City’s Bacary Sagna (L) and Vietnam’s Vo Huy Toan at My Dinh stadium in Hanoi, July 2015. Photograph: Hoang Dinh Nam/AFP/Getty Images The fashion view: Manchester City have clearly been reading up on fashion trends and know that the polo shirt is the item of the season. Their home kit isn’t strictly speaking a polo – that’s reserved for tennis – but the little collar and poppers at the neck are nice, safe and classic, without reinventing the wheel. An honourable mention here goes to an away kit that involves sleeves covered in the pattern of moon craters, to reference the fans’ penchant for singing the song Blue Moon. We’ll have to wait to see which one’s the hit at the Etihad this season. (LC) The sport view: Retro number that references both the stark, white dog collar of the great early-1970s kit and the kind of business shirt worn by aggressive, middle-aged yuppies in the 1980s. Lovely big expanse of blue. One for the high street. (BR) West Brom away Rickie Lambert of West Brom celebrates with team mates after scoring Bristol Rovers v West Brom, 31 Jul 2015. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Rickie Lambert of West Brom celebrates with team mates. Photograph: JMP/Rex Shutterstock The fashion view: Take away the humongous logo for an Asian betting company, and there’s something almost old school about the West Bromwich Albion away kit. It’s the maroon colour, skinny black stripes and the curly letters spelling out WBA on the crest. This appeals in a world where vintage football kits do a brisk business on eBay (Tottenham’s Holsten ones, and the Manchester United Sharp-era). Perhaps the move is down to Tony Pulis, a man who is no stranger to style. His signature navy baseball cap sold out of the team shop when West Brom announced he was to become manager earlier this year. (LC) The sport view: A reprise of West Brom’s classic deep red, recreated as a Rothko-style nightmare of overpowering deep-gloom maroon. Block colours always work and this should look pretty frightening as a team kit. (BR) Chelsea away Chelsea's Eden Hazard Facebook Twitter Pinterest Chelsea’s Eden Hazard. Photograph: Darren Walsh/Chelsea FC/Press Association Ima The fashion view: Sometimes a kit’s logo can overwhelm the rest of the design (see Manchester United’s giant Chevrolet). But, weirdly, Chelsea’s deal with Yokohama Tyres actually adds something. The typeface recalls the excellent first collection of Luella Bartley and Katie Hillier for Marc by Marc Jacobs and looks – in a good way – like a bobbly Sunday League kit that you might find on the rails of a vintage store. The fact that it’s actually worn by millionaires who won the Premier League last season makes us like it even more. (LC) The sport view: Unusual move having the French flag on both sleeves, but reminiscent of the old-school Chelsea white also worn for the 2012 European Cup-winning season. Claims to have “special stitching” that makes players move faster. Perhaps John Terry can wear three of them. (BR) Bournemouth away

The fashion photographer who was homeless for six years

hen I graduated from the University of Charleston, I didn’t foresee myself living homeless for a large period of my adult life. To begin with, it started out as wanderlust. After I graduated, I decided to backpack around Europe. I’d always wondered if I could become a model, but it wasn’t until I headed to Brussels that I got signed. So began a four-year stint modelling around Europe. This was 1984. I walked for Versace, Moschino, Missoni, designers like that. I did French Vogue, too. I was OK, but I wasn’t the cat’s miaow. But it instilled in me a new sort of lifestyle, living hand to mouth, absorbing different cultures. I moved back to New York via San Francisco when I heard my father was dying. I was 29, and I had been modelling on/off for four years. I got signed to a few low-key agencies in New York and juggled this with some waitering. I also started an acting course. I had a bit of money and some savings from my modelling and moved into an single-room occupancy – a small room without running water and a communal bathroom. It looked like an Edward Hopper building from the outside, but not so much inside. Still, it was very affordable – $200 a month – and in West Chelsea before it was trendy. I was pretty happy. From 1996 onwards I got sporadic work as an actor. I went to an extras audition for a Woody Allen film and played an art gallery owner in Celebrity. My next break was in Sex and the City as Carlo, the “fabulously wealthy billionaire boyfriend with a tiny penis”. I had a run of luck with that. Mark Reay returns to his former rooftop home in this clip from Homme Less. In 2000, my father died, so my need to stay in New York wasn’t mandatory. That’s when the wanderlust sprung up again, so I did the proverbial second run as a model, except this time I was in my 40s. Now I was older, with salt-and-pepper hair, but much more marketable. I moved around Europe again, and started taking photographs, to see how that went. I knew the fashion world, so I’d go to the shows and hang around backstage taking pictures. People knew me from my modelling and I got a few decent shots. I figured I might have an eye for it and maybe I could make some money from it. I was shot for Arena, did some TV work, stuff like that. It sounds glamorous, doesn’t it? But I never got the campaigns. That’s where the money is. I foolishly believed I would make a decent income as a model – I was signed to Ford and Wilhelmina in New York; they’re both big agencies – but it’s very hard to make a living from modelling. No one really talks about it. By this point, I was back to living on savings. I got money through work as a waiter, and I made a few bucks when I sold a photostory to a website, but I was still subletting tiny rooms in New York. I had a couple of photography projects in mind, so I went back to that. One project involved going to the south of France, where the super-wealthy hung out, and working as a photographer-for-hire. I thought it was a great idea, so I set off to stay with a friend who lived in Juan-les-Pins with just my camera and my laptop. Like a lot of my ideas, it was a good one that produced no results. After a few weeks, worried that I’d overstayed my welcome, I left for St Tropez with just my belongings and wound up sleeping in the hills. It wasn’t so bad to start. I would store my laptop and cameras in a duffel bag in a garbage bag and hide it in the bushes. I had a small bedroll with me so I could sleep. I would get up at 6am, go to the park and head to the restaurants that had those outdoor sinks. I’d wash myself down, wash my t-shirt or shirt so it could dry in the sun and slick back my hair with water and go sit in a cafe. Because I had a certain look, no one really questioned it. I just looked like a well-off man in shorts and a T-shirt. I had the confidence to just sit there, and I knew I wasn’t doing anything wrong.

New model army: Iranian fashion revolution moves above ground

In northern Tehran’s Oxygen Royal health and fitness centre, a group of 20 young men have gathered, each wearing identical black T-shirts inscribed with a big white DFW, the abbreviation for Darab fashion week. The centre is located in the affluent and historical district of Gheytarieh in the foothills of the Alborz mountains, which tower over Iran’s capital. With its VIP members and advanced exercise machinery, you may as well be in Beverly Hills. Instead, the centre is the venue for Iran’s male models to practise strutting the catwalk under the aegis of a professional trainer, who will also prepare them for the castings that will follow. After a day of hard work, the results are promising. All the men have been offered contracts for Darab’s forthcoming event in September, planned to take place at the Esteghlal hotel. Before this if I were to mention to the authorities that I wanted to found a modelling agency nobody would listen to me Sharif Razavi, modelling agent After more than three decades of resistance and struggling underground, fashion is finally gaining a foothold in the Islamic Republic. As fashion weeks mushroom across Iran, the need for more models has significantly increased. Most models at Oxygen Royal are hired by Behpooshi, a modelling agency that last year became one of the first to obtain official permission to operate. The agency has 50 male and 30 female models, linking them with event managers such as Darab. “If I say that fashion in Iran has gone through a revolution in the past year, I haven’t exaggerated,” Sharif Razavi, Behpooshi’s director, told the Guardian. “In around 30 years since the revolution, we saw around 10 to 15 catwalks in the country,” he said, “but in the last year alone, we’ve seen more than a hundred.” Behpooshi began seven years ago but like many others involved in the fashion industry in Iran, the agency operated underground.Then two and half years ago, Razavi wrote to the office of the Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and asked for a religious edict to find if Islam forbade fashion and modelling. To his delight, it didn’t. He pursued the matter with the authorities at the ministry of culture and Islamic guidance. And this effort opened doors. “Before this if I were to mention to the authorities that I wanted to found a modelling agency nobody would listen to me but things changed,” Razavi said. A model wearing an Iranian-style manteaux and scarf. Facebook Twitter Pinterest A model wearing an Iranian-style manteaux and scarf. Photograph: Photographer: Afra Pourdad/Afra's Corner Rayan Baghdadi, with many followers on Instagram, was among the 20 men practising at Oxygen Royal. “Modelling is now my job and I’m taking it very seriously,” said the 23-year-old. “When you are a model, you can’t do so much things other people do, like drinking or eating fast food, you are always conscious about what you do and what you eat.” Baghdadi, who recently performed at Tehran fashion week held at the sumptuous Sam Centre complex on the city’s most expensive street, Fereshteh, said significant improvements have been made in the past couple of years. “The authorities now issue licences to each model and those who want to participate in public events and catwalks, should apply for a licence and its ID card. The underground fashion is fading.” He has even had international experience, doing catwalks in Dubai to promote the works of designer Rahil Hesan, who is half-Iranian. Mahan Farokhmehr, Darab’s chief executive, echoed Baghdadi. “In the past two years, the atmosphere has changed positively,” he said. “The ministry has set up a body called the working group for bringing order to fashion and clothing which regulates fashion in Iran and grants permission for holding events. What took place underground a few years ago, is now happening in public.” There has been progress but big challenges remain. Some people still have negative views about fashion in Iran Dana Mashalahpoor, model Despite this, red lines persist. Darab fashion week, Farokhmehr said, will feature the works of young Iranian designers, including Mohsen Asgari and Neda Sadeghi, over two days. But while women can go and watch the men’s catwalk shows, men are not allowed to attend the women’s shows. Although the event is held in public, attendance is by invitation-only. “We wouldn’t have enough space if we were to open it to the public,” Farokhmehr said, adding that 2,700 people are expected to participate. Not all Iranian models, however, have applied for a licence. Dana Mashalahpoor, 28, has been particularly successful but his route to fashion has been entirely different to that of Baghdadi. Although he has worked with big companies, including foreign brands, he has never been invited to walk a catwalk at home. “Fashion is becoming more serious in Iran and that’s a good thing,” he said. “You’ll see plenty of people interested in fashion today in the country compared to a few years ago. There’s a wave, a strong wave but we’ll have to be careful and do it right.”

Why I designed a fashion range for women with larger breasts

ael Aflalo, the founder of LA fashion brand Reformation, says she created the I’m Up Here collection because she has “a lot of friends with bigger busts and I was sick of them complaining”. Said friends will no doubt now be silenced. Aflalo’s range is that rare thing – proper fashion specifically designed for women between C and DD cups. Now in its second season, and with Daisy Lowe modelling the very affordable clothes (around £50 for the bodysuit, £140 for the dress), and she has cornered a nice untapped market. But what can it teach us about dressing when you have bigger boobs? Daisy Lowe models the I'm Up Here Collection by Reformation Facebook Twitter Pinterest Daisy Lowe models the I’m Up Here Collection by Reformation Photograph: Guy Lowndes/Reformation According to Aflalo, the key is dressing to your body even if that goes against dominant fashion trends. “A lot of people go for the model off-duty as the default but I’m curvy and that doesn’t work for me,” she says. “Instead, I look to someone such as Sophia Loren or Josephine de la Baume.” So, drapey black vests and hoodies are out; blouses and high-waisted jeans are in. The underappreciated artistry of the professional bra fitter Read more When designing this collection, insights came from talking to women about what they wanted out of their clothes. It turns out that’s pretty much the same thing whatever size bra you are. “We did a survey, and women said they were proud of their bodies but didn’t want to be completely on display,” she explains. “Most of us when getting dressed want to feel beautiful but not like we’re objectifying ourselves.” That’s something that fits into the rest of the Reformation world. Launched in 2010, Aflalo’s brand makes clothes that are sustainable, fun, sexy but speak to women. She has already worked her magic with the petite market – with a range designed for women 5ft 4in and under, named Don’t Call Me Cute. Daisy Lowe modelling the I'm Up Here Collection by Reformation Facebook Twitter Pinterest Daisy Lowe modelling the I’m Up Here Collection by Reformation Photograph: Guy Lowndes/Reformation The I’m Up Here first launched last season but Aflalo feels they have nailed it this time around – with Lowe as the face, and careful testing of the designs on several women working at Reformation who have larger busts. “They tried everything on,” she says. “We started to call them the titty committee.” Humour like this and the title of the collection, also known as Big Boob Problems, will surely bring a smile to potential customers’ faces. As will the clothes. “I really wanted to make clothes for how women feel and what they want their clothes to represent,” she says. “And I always think it’s better to say something in a humorous way than a regular way.”

Are tattoo artists right to refuse to adorn necks and hands?

hen Jane Marie, a woman in her late 30s, walked into a tattoo studio on a Sunday afternoon in early summer, she was expecting to walk out with a tattoo of her daughter’s name. Marie, however, was outraged to learn that tattoo artist Dan Bythewood refused to grant her request because of the placement of the tattoo – on Marie’s neck. Bythewood explained that the studio, New York Adorned, had a policy not to tattoo the hands or necks of people who weren’t already visibly tattooed. Although tattoos have shed much of the stigma once attached to them, their rapid rise in popularity has opened up a new set of challenges. Tattoo artists are finding clients are asking for images or placements which might be problematic. As a result, artists walk a tightrope between respecting a client’s wishes, and maintaining their professional integrity. “Every artist has his or her own politics and belief system within tattoos,” Matthew Marcus, owner of Three Kings tattoo studio, says. “Whether it be hands and necks, or it’s the type of imagery. What do I do if someone comes in and they want a racist tattoo? Or a sexist or homophobic one?” Three Kings, which has locations in Manhattan and Brooklyn, doesn’t have a rigid policy on hand or neck tattoos. Marcus says he leaves it up to his artists to make their own choices about what they’re comfortable tattooing. Leaf Chang Leaf Chang at work. Photograph: Leaf Chang “What a lot of people don’t realise is that when people say no to something it’s because of their comfort level,” Marcus says. “You should actually be thankful that they’re telling you that they might not be the best person to do it.” Marcus himself tattoos hands or necks. He says he’s happy tattooing anywhere on the body, in fact. He draws the line, however, at portraits. He says they scare him. “The idea of tattooing someone’s child’s face on their body and the chance of messing that up? No thank you.” At Into You, a well-known tattoo parlour in London, owner Alex Binnie has a similar policy of leaving it up to the individual artists to make the call. “I hope my artists will look at the whole situation – who is the person, how old are they – and make a decision based on that,” Binnie says. Into You used to have a much stricter policy, at a time when hand and neck tattoos were more taboo. Binnie got his own neck tattooed in the late 1980s. “It was considered outrageous then,” he says. “The only people who had neck tattoos then were, generally speaking, tattoo artists. It was the mark of a tattoo artist.” Marcus agrees, saying that when he first started getting tattooed 15 years ago, heavily tattooed people and visible tattoos were few and far between. “If you wanted a hand or neck tattoo and you wanted to represent yourself in that way, you had to understand that you’re accepting a very different responsibility for the role that you were playing in society from that point on.” Binnie says he thinks the permanency of tattooing is one of the reasons it’s so popular right now. “People want to be able to feel something in the increasingly transient meaningless of contemporary society. It makes them think ‘I really do feel this’.” Andrew Timming, a management professor at the University of St Andrews, says that 40% of US households have a least one member with a tattoo. Timming cautions, however, that despite this rise in popularity, visible tattoos may still be an employment hindrance. Timming has studied the perceptions of recruiters towards visible tattoos and found that they are less likely to secure employment, especially in customer-facing jobs. Timming thinks tattoo artists should be able to refuse clients’ tattoo requests. “Tattoo artists are professionals – they need to be able to make decisions,” he says. “Sometimes they make decisions for personal reasons, sometimes they make decisions because they think it’s in the best interest of the client. But you can’t take away that right.” Leaf Chang, owner of Brooklyn’s Gnostic Tattoo shop, also thinks it’s for the tattoo artist to make a call whether or not to tattoo. “I definitely do not think the client should expect to get whatever they want in a tattoo shop, just like you wouldn’t go to the tailor and presume to tell them how to cut your suit,” he says. Chang says he assesses hand and neck tattoo requests on a case-by-case basis. He says it’s the artist’s prerogative to not tattoo something they’re not comfortable with, because their reputation is on the line. “Our name is attached to our work,” he says. “So we have just as much of a stake in your tattoo as you do.” Marcus says that while he may not agree with every tattoo idea, it’s his job to educate them about the implications of their decision. “I try to let people see all angles of their decision” he says. “If they still want to go ahead and do it after that, for me that’s where my responsibility ends.” It has long been argued whether tattooing is an art form or not. Marcus, however, isn’t interested in getting caught up in that debate: for him, people get tattooed for various reasons and one is no more valid than another. “Sometimes you’re making art on somebody, and sometimes you’re just doing a tattoo.”

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Nature at its most awe-inspiring

Cruise holidays offer many experiences that are unique and often life-affirming – sailing past the Statue of Liberty in New York as dawn breaks or watching dolphins surfing the bow wave are just two. Sailing into a Norwegian fjord on glassy water, with mountains and ancient glaciers in the distance has to be another one of those experiences. Fjord cruises are becoming increasingly popular, and it’s easy to see why. The view from the water is unparalleled – you simply can’t fathom their sheer magnitude and scale from land, and you can often access places that would take hours to reach by land. By cruising, you’re also able to see natural wonders from a different angle – what other form of travel allows you to sail past a glacier whilst sipping champagne, or witness a waterfall tumble into the water below from the comfort of your balcony? Wherever you go in Fjordland, you’re likely to see stunning scenery, but there are a couple of spots that are guaranteed to leave you awestruck. First is the mighty Sognefjord – the world’s longest navigable fjord. At its head, you’ll find Skjolden with its UNESCO World Heritage Urnes Stave Church and of course its stunning views. Nearby, you’ll also find Jostedal Glacier, the largest glacier in mainland Europe. Visitors can walk the glacier, kayak in its meltwater and even partake in a spot of white-water rafting if that takes your fancy. As for Sognefjord itself, this spectacular stretch of water boasts towering cliffs, tumbling waterfalls and a simply stunning shoreline. Further north, you’ll find the island of Spitsbergen and the town of Ny-Ålesund – one of the most northerly settlements in the world. Just 1,000km (600 miles) from the North Pole, this rugged wilderness is visited by P&O Cruises twice in 2012. Both cruises sail in the summer – giving passengers the opportunity to experience the natural phenomenon of near 24-hour daylight. The area is famed for its glaciers; in fact two thirds of Spitsbergen’s area is covered by them – giving visitors the chance to get up close to them and the wildlife that lives on and around them. One of the most famous sightseeing spots in the fjords is the gigantic Pulpit Rock, which can be seen when you visit Stavanger. Your jaw will hit the deck of your tour boat as you sail up Lysefjord and the huge rock face comes into view. Towering nearly 600m (2,000ft) above the water like a stone skyscraper, this cliff face is like nothing you’ll have ever experienced before. For the more active, you can hike to the top of the rock for possibly one of the most beautiful views in the world as you tower over the fjord and surrounding countryside. P&O Cruises offers an excursion to the base of pulpit rock. For more information visit their site. Whilst a cruise north to Norway’s beautiful fjords may not guarantee you the sun of a Caribbean or Mediterranean cruise (although it can be hot and sunny in the fjords too – I managed a slight tan when visiting in June last year), you’ll likely discover a holiday that offers much more. You’ll see sights that leave you in awe of nature’s power and beauty, as well as ancient fishing villages. For more information on P&O Cruises northern holidays and some of the amazing sights that you can experience, head over to

Thursday, July 23, 2015

How is the best auto insurance?

When buying best auto insurance, essentially you are buying a paper plate guarantee payment of those unwanted risks that may occur in the future.

When buying insurance, essentially you are buying a paper plate guarantee payment of those unwanted risks that may occur in the future.

Auto insurance compensation for financial damage arising from an accident involving a car. It is a trading link between you and the insurance company, whereby when you premiums (insurance) and insurance companies committed to compensation for the damage under the provisions of the best auto insurance contract.

When buying insurance, customers would also like to when the problem will be quick and fair compensation, was replaced in the car or garage and genuine spare parts. However, to get those things, understanding as well as to consider thoroughly before putting pen to sign buy this type of insurance is extremely necessary. In the framework of this article, Autocar Vietnam will help readers better understand auto insurance issues as well as the experience for this issue.

On the auto insurance market currently has four common insurance forms include: compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of motor vehicles, insurance of civil liability of owners of vehicles for goods transport on car insurance, physical damage of motor vehicle insurance, who sits on the car and driver accident car accessories. In it, insurance of civil liability of owners of motor vehicles is the type that all individuals or organisation owns a car must buy according to the law of Vietnam.

3 types of insurance remains entirely voluntarily by agreement with the auto insurance company. Especially in that, with physical types of insurance, the auto insurance company will indemnify the damage to the car caused the accident, outside the control of the owner of the car, drive the car in the case of collision,

Commercial auto insurance and its effects

Insurance agents are always trying to serve customers fast, convenient, save costs as well as provide customers with perfect service.

The necessity and effect of commercial auto insurance

Cars are increasingly being used on the roads in Vietnam. Meanwhile, Vietnam's traffic has not yet fully meet the insurance requirements of serving the best, often have the status of rules of the road caused the scratch, traffic conditions, high quality car occur along high yet fuel caused the unfortunate case. ... One of the French border lays the best risk mitigation is to buy car.

Auto insurance claim for your financial losses arising from accidents involving your car. That's a trading link between you and the insurance company, whereby when you premiums (insurance) and insurance companies committed to compensation for the damage under the provisions of the insurance contract.

Automobile insurance has the following insurance types:
-Civil liability insurance to third parties (compulsory INSURANCE).
-Insurance of the driver and the person sitting on the car.
-Material insurance of car (bodyshell, centreline, machinery).
-Insurance for stolen parts.

Commercial auto insurance help you peace of mind when driving on the road, preventing the risks that can occur when you join traffic, ensure quick resolution for the dispute if any accidents happen. ...

How to choose a good auto insurance company?

When choosing to purchase insurance, many buyers often choose the auto insurance company have relatives or acquaintances is working, just to get peace of mind just can help relatives get more sales from the sale of insurance.

However, this often does not bring more effective when the incidents happened especially when a loved one has. So you need to remember that the purchase of auto insurance is signed with the company and the selling price of car insurance is also given by the company rather than from individuals. Thus, to select the appropriate auto insurance, consumers should note a few points:

-The financial capacity of insurers. The auto insurance company has strong financial capability will ensure for you about affordability when the incident occurred.

-24-hour hotline (be careful if there is a cell phone number because the situation then also at need to sleep).

-Repair garage network (vehicle insurance Price you pay is high then there is no reason you can't be repaired in the garage genuine)

-Reviews of the driver and other vehicle owners about the time and procedure for indemnification of insurance companies (the compensation slow 1-2 days will cause consumers to lose more money than the amount the buyer can save from the premium).

To get the best selection, please refer to the rates from at least three reputable insurance company to get the overview and comprehensive comparison.

Auto insurance company and its responsibilities

Should choose the auto insurance company has relationships with prestigious and convenient garage for repair. It is to find out the level of cooperation with the insurance company's garage to avoid having to go back several times because of cumbersome procedures.

Many auto insurance companies have a "backyard" is the car repair shop and can they publicly speak out, may also not public that only "disambiguation". So, it is best to choose a reputable repair company to take on the terms of the contract.

Where repair is a significant problem should make sure people buying insurance that must be the right to choose the place of repair when signing the contract, avoid being exchanged or poor quality furniture.

If buying household insurance, health care insurance and car insurance at the same prestigious insurance company, customers will likely receive a certain discount rate. If there are conditions, should buy insurance more than a year.

Don't just listen to what people who sell insurance explained, but also to request that provided documentation on the accompanying insurance rules. New auto insurance rules have only performed the rights, obligations, excluding not be compensated.

Therefore, to avoid such negligence can cause disadvantage later on, before buying the insurance, car owners should study carefully the items in the contract and the terms of insurance expansion.

Understand the rights and responsibilities

When buying insurance, customers would also like to when the problem will be quick and fair compensation, was replaced in the car or garage professional auto insurance company and using genuine spare parts.

Specific talks about each of the terms is the best way to ensure the rights of people to buy auto insurance is respected.

Choosing appropriate auto insurance package

Buy best auto insurance means buying a paper plate guarantee payment of those unwanted risks that may occur in the future.

There is a delivery contract between the owner and the auto insurance company, that car owners insurance premium and the insurance company is responsible for compensation for the damage specified in insurance contract.

The first customer car owners often buy coverage for the vehicle based on the advice of the car salesman or the introduction of acquaintances.

The lengthy, complex documents in the contract may be the cause for many people put their trust in the insurance salesman, they are only interested in the premium amount and level of reimbursement. This can cause them to pay higher premiums but when trouble does not return best auto insurance services as desired.

So, the first person to buy the right car insurance depending on the financial possibilities as well as its travel environment that choose this type of voluntary insurance accordingly. After many years of use, they will cast the experience to select the most suitable product.

For example, for the line of cars the average value, you should purchase the hull and flooding (glass house), the line of cars to buy more best auto insurance for stolen parts.

Life insurance - a great choice during my life

Power would push me forward in my job? I feel I have a responsibility to perform. I got to meet a lot of people, and there is not much time left. I believe that nothing can replace a life insurance.

That's why life insurance became an obsession of mine. That is the reason why it became a religion, a crusade. That is why I suggest everyone who I've ever encountered to buy life insurance. That is why I thank God for giving me the opportunity to become an insurance consultant.

To me, family protection program was completed. I've been hard at work to getting a lot of the life insurance contract. I know that when my time has run out, my son can no longer father of it again but it will have income, the safety that it leave.

My insurance can't replace me but it will bring security for the future of my son and my house. My parents who have since I know how things are now, already old at all. They sacrificed for me. A serene feeling to know how if I know that my parents will live a comfortable old age, that they would not expect anything else, because life insurance has run out. I am indebted to miraculous life insurance.

My son doesn't want me to go meet clients in the evening. Every night when I left home my son said "Daddy, Daddy, good luck and come back home." Back home! I'm not a stupid fathers. I know that probably someday I will not be back, but I have a real sense of contentment in knowing that even if I do not return, the magic of life insurance will my son's care.

Information about Prudential Insurance Group

Prudential Insurance Group (LSE: PRU, NYSE: PUK, SEHK: 2378) is a life insurance company and a multinational financial services based in London, United Kingdom. This group was founded in London in May of 1848 with the name Association for lenders and ensure Prudential investments aiming for partners and employees loans.

Prudential's biggest market is in Asia, with more than 13 million customers in 12 countries and is the leading provider of life insurance in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Vietnam. Prudential in the uk, there are approximately 7 million customers and is the leading provider of life insurance and pensions in the country.

Prudential also owns the company, Jackson national life insurance, is one of the largest life insurance in the United States, and the investment firm M & G is a company focused on asset managers with total assets under management is 228 billion announced on 31 December 2012.

Prudential's stock is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a component made up the FTSE 100. It has a life insurance market capitalization of about 33.4 billion on November 29, 2013, make Prudential became one of the 18 largest companies on the London Stock Exchange trading floor. Prudential are also listed on the stock exchange of Hong Kong, New York and Singapore.

Life insurance service is my passion

The distress, worry it is not easy to find the answer until I know to life insurance. I have found life insurance is key to ensuring the financial security for every family.

In each of us, who are also the dream. Prior to working for Prudential insurance company, I just dream after this I will have a happy family, a wonderful husband and the kid. But since to collaborate for the insurance company, then my dream still further, I not only want her happy, but also desire to bring happiness to the millions of people Vietnam.

Yes, life is inherently rife with uncertainties, risks no one know what will come tomorrow. If one day the father work that never on anymore? Whether one will on behalf of the father to be able to share the burden in life with his mother? Who can worry for the children tho chu later have bright future? The distress, worry it is not easy to find the answer until I know to life insurance. I have found life insurance is key to ensuring the financial security for every family.

12 years ago, I did  business insurance management for a company of South Korea. My sister at the time was leader of the Prudential. She prepared the baby should invite me on the Secretary to support for the development team. In the process of working here, I witnessed her burning passion for insurance. She has set out plans and goals are very clear. When did plan, reached by was whether sick or how hard. I get 4 months my sister up standard business Chief, a title that many dealers have been dreaming. I extremely admire and adore her. At that time I also secretly cherished the dream after this I was so. I have please give me the opportunity to become partners of the company.

The first day with my hard work, I've encountered a lot of refusal from the client side, such "insurance scam full stop," or "insured losses are not careful" and many similar statements make me frustrated. If there is no activity and sister fire maybe I've quit.

Until one day, she is my natural gut to emergency because of intense abdominal pain. After the hospital visit is still not out of the disease, the Hospital decided to see what emergency slaughter in particular that hurt. Surgery, the results led both the hospital and the family I am stunned, she has had cancer last stage security pipeline. After nearly two months of her death (her husband may not have lost two years earlier). I wonder if there is no life insurance contract that she signed previously with the company, the two children to her house I will live?. Company representatives have arrived and gave condolences two children amount to more than 100 million, the contract also be free of the following 9 years until the two children I have 18 years and expire will receive more than 100 million.

I have to comprehend the full meaning of life insurance and that has made me completely change his thinking. I resolve to take responsibility and love for the profession of insurance advice. A dignified profession with the deep meaning that I was experiencing.

Since she died, by his sincere heart to witness and feel the pain at the loss of a loved one, a pain that nothing salvageable, I've been more effort, more belief that I will certainly also bring to the financial guarantee for so many other families. I take a lot more than just ahead, arrange to meet more customers every day to share that affordable insurance sense to the millions of people Vietnam.

Term- long life insurance policy for children

You have put your trust in Prudential when it decided to join the main life insurance products or packaged products. Just join more supplementary product "term life insurance" or "term life insurance for children", you will be significantly enhanced benefits, helping you to more firmly believe about financial security for yourself and your family.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho bảo hiểm nhân thọ

Case of death the insured person:
If the insured person death while contracts are still in force, Prudential will pay the insurance amount specified in the life insurance certificate, if not have a claim for injury cases and permanent.

The case of the insured person and permanent injury:
If the insured person suffers injury and permanently while the contract is still in force, Prudential will pay the life insurance amount specified in the insurance certificate to do 10 times in 10 years, since the date of injury and permanent. Payments each equal to 1/10 of the total money that Prudential is charged.

The life insurance funds yet pay off (as of the time of expiration or until the insured person's death) will be paid for once.

Automobile insurance company gets in trouble

The report of the Association of automobile manufacturers showed Vietnam, early March sales results of 2014 continued is a sad figure for auto insurance company, the insurers of motor vehicles. Specifically, the total energy consumed in the car, 2/2014 of only 34% reduction were 7,314 compared with the previous month. This was the second consecutive month the production of automotive sales were declining significantly.

Sales of cars plunged, meaning the insured House hardly promoted the sales of premium cars. Automobile insurance (in motor vehicle insurance segment) continued to be sought as a spearhead in the deployment of the retail plan.

Bảo hiểm ô tô: Lỗ cũng không buông

According to the data of the insurance supervision authority, the Ministry of finance, 2013, professional motor vehicle insurance premium revenue 6,854 billion, the highest proportion in the total premium revenue (28%) and an increase of 8% compared to the year 2012. Thus, recently, many insurers still decided to focus service upgrade, to attract customers.

Specifically, PTI is coordinating coverage with the garage on the biochemical transparency nationwide repair time for customers; before signing the contract, to the garage to fix quote; inform the customer expected time repaired the car. Every year, the PTI will conduct reviews of the system link according to the garage with a more realistic, aim to improve the quality of insurance service for customers.

Also aim to improve the quality of customer service, insurance has officially launched the service through customer support form to send messages through your mobile phone (SMS) and sending messages through electronic mail (email).

Accordingly, to purchase automobiles or motorcycles, customers need only send the message according to the syntax rules. After receiving the message, Vietnam will actively contact customers and free advice to clients with suitable products. Besides, clients join car insurance in Vietnam (before applying to the insured clients at Office Headquarters insurance company Baoviet and Hanoi) will enjoy the other support services such as retrieval information automobile insurance contracts of his ...

Meanwhile, Liberty also are gift program for loyal customers. Specifically, customers who currently have insurance contract for automobile material with Liberty have loss rate in year of the most recent insurance do not exceed 30%, agreed to renew the contract of insurance in time from now to the end of March 2014, and a full charge before April 30, 2014 will be awarded Big C coupon worth up to 1 million ...

Exchange with ĐTCK, represented a casualty auto insurance company in the country, said automobile insurance is still an attractive segment, easy to generate revenue in the context of the other insurance business has yet to show signs of strong recovery. However, this representative admitted, automobile insurance years without interest, should not "let go" of this profession, but this year the company also do not focus too much on investment here.

Fact, the hole in the automobile insurance services is not a new problem, the auto insurance company understand the cause why this profession.

Benefits of auto insurance in hurricane season

The hurricane season starts, repeatedly warning information on disaster risks was mentioned. Insurance service is referred to as a limited solution focus risk.

Recent studies of the Asian Fund pointed out that, in the past 20 years, Vietnam is 1 in 5 countries with the highest disaster risk in the world. According to the evaluation of the Institute of hydrology, auto insurance company, meteorology and environment (Ministry of natural resources and the environment), in 5 years, each year the disaster that killed about 500 people and damaged 14,500 billion, equivalent to 1.2% of GDP.

Mùa mưa bão, vai trò bảo hiểm lại được nhắc tới

It is known in Asia in recent years repeatedly encountered many serious disasters from hurricanes, floods, earthquakes to tsunamis. Statistics shows that only in 2014, natural disasters have caused economic losses of up to 110 billion dollars, while in Asia, the figure up to 52 billion dollars, accounting for 47% of the total economic losses caused by natural disasters worldwide. Most recently, the earthquake in Nepal have internodes up ring about the need for insurance.

Speaking at a seminar held in Ho Chi Minh City recently, Mr. Bala Suppliah, in charge of risk analysis for Asia-Pacific, the auto insurance company that AIG, the insurance needs, natural disasters in Vietnam will be enterprises inside and outside the insurance industry more interested.

"In the context of natural disasters occur frequently, the top concern of businesses in Asia including Vietnam not only damage to property but also economic losses due to interruption of business.

Businesses understand that, by using the natural disaster insurance business has diminished somewhat anxiety and financial damage to themselves, "said Bala said and well said, what makes the difference between insurance companies is likely to up the model risk ratio assessed , advice and recommendations, propose solutions and effective technologies to reduce the risks at the lowest level possible. The multinational insurance companies still have the advantage in strong financial compensation to assist enterprises in major disaster situations.

In today's Vietnam, disaster insurance as well as insurance products, climate disaster is business interruption insurance ... haven't really been focused. However, after the "Newt" super salmon in Hanoi last June, although property damage is not too great, the range on the under 10 billion and losses mainly motor vehicles but "shield" role was also more positive.

Life insurance "booming" in new mining revenue

First six months of the year 2015, while premium revenue of the mass casualty only growing more than 10% over the same period, Life insurance business has big surge when mining revenue the new premium increase to more than 40%.

In addition, auto insurance company must also speak to an important cause is the macro economic situation started to warm up, people are more likely to participate in the type of insurance. And what's more, experiencing many difficulties when risk is not protected, the sense of people's insurance also increasingly enhanced. ...

According to the report of the Bureau of insurance supervision and management, in the year 2015, the sales charge full market reach 30,536 billion, up 19.4 percent from the same period in 2014. In particular, the new mining revenue in the life insurance sector growth of more than 40%, this is the high growth rates in the past 10 years.

Along with creating impressive sales figures, from the beginning of the year, the market also saw major changes of some life insurance companies. Not only the insurance company has a large market share are there major changes about the business strategy, further expanded the area as Prudential Vietnam, Manulife Vietnam, AIA Vietnam, Dai-ichi Life Vietnam ..., that some commercial auto insurance companies had the young also have many changes.

Such as VietinAviva and Prévoir Vietnam began to approach and develop more agent channel after years of going in the direction of private is only selling insurance through Bank channels and postal system.

Just officially opened customer service center and Office life insurance agents in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City would be forthcoming, Prévoir Vietnam representative said, along with the opening of the new Office, Prévoir Vietnam also will continue to promote the work of recruiting the personnel fit for a team of professional insurance agents , as well as many other business locations in order to meet the expanded strategic business activities across the country.

Actually, to get more clients, then in addition to the development of the service, to market the right products to meet the demands of the people, the expansion and development of distribution system of insurance products is inevitable direction of the insurance company.

Auto insurance company should be considered

Times are hard, people interested in saving. So all expenses are very thorough considerations. Time to renew the contract of automobile insurance, you may also be wondering if I should continue or stop and in both cases, you will have the choice?

A businessman has been buying insurance for your Mercedes R300 from an auto insurance company, with fees of about 46 million in 2013. However, he rarely used the car and he was also a driver very carefully throughout the year, he claims only once with the amount of about 7 million.

Cân nhắc với bảo hiểm ô tô

Think you'll be more profitable when auto insurance for his car, he decided not to renew insurance contract when it expires. Unbelievably only less the next day, his car suffered hydraulic House forced to replace the entire motor. This disaster caused him to lose about 1.3 billion.

The insurance company has been serving customers is very sad to hear the news of the unfortunate former client, but vows to be sorry when could not help him.

According to the statistics of a casualty insurance company abroad, at least 2/3 of customers have ever received compensation from the company in the past year, should be able to say is that almost everybody has at the need for insurance.

If you decide not to renew the contract of automobile insurance? Welcome to the "Las Vegas", where you will gamble with risks! You will bear all the losses, if any, and wish you luck! But anyway, do not forget to renew the contract of a civilian casualty insurance compulsory.

As a rule, the cost is only 5 cars per year for copper 436,700 and copper per year for car 873,400. The fine for not buying this type of insurance is definitely higher than the premium you have to buy, and the chance of you being "enquire" by traffic police force is very high.

If you want to buy insurance with just the minimum cost? Currently, the casualty auto insurance company has a preferential policy for the customer loyalty and drive safely. So, you can save money by staying long with one auto insurance company and claims only when repair costs are considerable.

Automobile insurance, ' relatively stable ' form

According to preliminary statistics of the Department of management, the insurance supervision Department (Ministry of Finance), the first 6 months, motor vehicle insurance continues to be the leading business revenue than the other services, although the decrease of 3% compared with the same period in 2013, reached 2,424 billion.

Motor vehicle insurance is still considered one of the leading retail products and continues to be the insurance companies push the harness in order to offset the other services are being reduced. These companies are tapping the motor vehicle insurance is quite good on the market today including insurance, PJICO, PTI, PVI, Bao Minh, MIC, Liberty ...

Bảo hiểm ô tô: Lỗ cũng không buông

Represents a non-life insurance business, said, with regard to motor vehicle insurance business, new sales contract number is still rising. However, many customers trying to save on premiums by not buying additional products such as accident insurance for people sitting on the car or the voluntary liability insurance. The amount the client refused to renew because of economic difficulties has tended to rise higher before.

In General, motor vehicle insurance plate tends to decrease, but the insurer expected, this reduction is not extended into the third quarter and the fourth quarter/2014. The economy continued to recover along with best auto insurance the sales of new cars of Autos are rising up pretty strong foundation for this belief.

Meanwhile, a representative of insurers share, currently, some big cars want to increase in sales should have actively approached the reputable insurance companies to donate link insurance for customers to purchase the car. In addition, not least the Bank are the development of bancassurance (insurance sales through banks) should also actively seek insurance partner to cooperate.

"The trend in the coming time, the Bank will closely and considered the provision of insurance services is a vital profession brings in revenue. The Bank will probably create more conditions for motor vehicle insurance development, "said representative and said that the insurer was the Bank choose to co-operate not because of cheap fee or Commission high, that would be the business for good products and services, bringing promising high returns for long term partners.

According to experts in the industry, 6, 2014, turnover of motor vehicle insurance business in decline, but in return, the rate of compensation at high levels of the previous year has dropped close to standard compensation rate of best auto insurance.

The flow of commercial auto insurance

Though still modest turnover, but according to the insurance business are credit insurance products, the trade aware of many import and export business of credit insurance has been changed by more positive trends.

Meanwhile, off to the "flow" of this product, the commercial auto insurance company are many and new cooperation projects.

Exchange with ĐTCK, she vo Thi Phuong Anh, General Manager of Coface Vietnam said, in 2009-2010 (new time pilot deployment of export-credit insurance is a product business in trade credit insurance), the number of this insurance business just count on the fingertips.

Even, the approach to learn business interested in export credit insurance is not also quite difficult, because the concept of this insurance for business is also rather vague, maybe even units still think Vietnam market can hardly provide credit insurance. However, at present there has been a significant change.

According to experts in the insurance industry, one of the key reasons forcing the import to change thinking and have more positive thoughts with trade credit insurance is to undergo many years of crisis, so far, importers tend to buy items as T/T payment charged after more payment methods L/C tradition.

The payment of so many potential risks and procedures also met much trouble. But the producers, exports because of the competitive factors and to ensure the output should have to accept T/T payment conditions to pay later.

How to ensure the safety in payment of export goods is always a headache problem of many enterprises, export. Purchase insurance to avoid risks is one of the options that many businesses are counted.

In addition to elements of the business has changed the thinking about credit insurance, you have a more advantageous insurance to help companies ease off this segment information is currently the banks are eager to create favorable conditions to diversify activities and provide rich financial products modern, and a maximum capital to reinvest.

"The fact that, for the financial group, the two-pillar concept combining banking, insurance is always part of the plan. But consecutive financial crises has led many corporations to back off the plan and now can launch back ", she Means He recognizes.

In Vietnam, an agreement between the three Coalition partner, Coface and Eximbank to develop credit insurance product combined commercial trade financing will likely become a new trend for insurance companies to open the flow of trade credit insurance.

Designed to protect people in case of export import loses the ability to pay; or delay payment or due to political risks causing the import could not make the payment, so when joined "trade credit insurance" then the export will have two main interests, that is to minimize risks and increased competition in the marketplace.

Talk about the potential of this business, Mr. Le Van Thanh, General Director of Bao Minh said that opportunity is still very much for the insurance business. In 2014, the turnover of export-credit insurance is a product business in trade credit insurance reached about 17 billion. This is pretty impressive figures, however, compared to the potential of the market, the turnover is also very small.

"In fact, the only revenue of these businesses have valuable export, commercial auto insurance contract and this contract also primarily of import-export businesses have foreign shareholder's capital contribution, so they are very understanding of export credit insurance. Also the Vietnam business still not much interest, "he said and hoped, in 2015 and the years to come, this professional plate sales will grow more, especially when the the Bank's.

Reportedly, despite many difficulties when implementing this insurance business, but the insurer still reviews this is a type of insurance is very potential, should still resolve to exploit, although determining the time to export businesses better understand the meaning of the product is not "on a two-day". Therefore, the Vietnam insurance company are also very actively bringing out different strategies to grow and through this segment.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Commercial auto insurance for import and export enterprises

17/6/2015, in Ho Chi Minh City signed cooperation agreement with Coface and Eximbank to first give the market new solutions package on commercial auto insurance "trade credit insurance-commercial funding mechanism" for the IMPORT-EXPORT business.

Accordingly, the total Bao Minh company join this solution package as the original home insurance, are responsible for issuing "trade credit insurance" and compensation when such may have the insurance event occurs. Here is the solution to protect against the risk receivables and connected with the effective solutions of the business of IMPORT-EXPORT business in Vietnam.

Coface financial group will play the role of House business insurance for the Bao Minh insurance application; at the same time is responsible for credit risk assessment, program design, appropriate risk management and promotion of contract "trade credit insurance" for the parties concerned. Eximbank will also as a partner bank of the package solution.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Le Van Thanh, General Director Of Bao Minh company, said: credit insurance business for export has been Proving in partnership with Coface deployment from 2009, but have yet to develop strong, mainly from FOREIGN clients with a turnover of 17 billion in 2014.

After this solution insurance package deployment is successful, Bao Minh will be adding a channel revenue growth, enhance brand reputation; Eximbank will have more good financial self-defense measures, minimize risk; Coface can expand business models and offer more professional financial services.

Also according to him, this solution Pack helps the GOV'T in the Vietnam IMPORT-EXPORT risk insurance in commercial auto insurance activities. Accordingly, the farmers, the distribution channels, processing agricultural products, commodities ... will also benefit when the activity of the ENTERPRISE and EXPORT safe, effective

Health insurance card and its benefits

1. the health insurance Card is issued to people who join health insurance and as a base to enjoy best auto insurance, the benefits of medical insurance under the provisions of this law.

2. Each person is only granted a medical insurance card.

3. the health insurance card point value used shall be as follows:

a) for participants of health insurance as defined in paragraph 3 of article 50 of this law, the health insurance premiums from the second onwards or medical insurance participants prescribed in clause 2 Article 51 of this law, the health insurance card worth using from the date of medical insurance premiums;

b) for health insurance participants as defined in paragraph 3 Article 50 of this law first health insurance or health insurance intermittently, the health insurance card worth the use after 30 days from the date of medical insurance premiums; particularly for the rights of high-tech services, the health insurance card worth the use after 180 days from the date of medical insurance premiums;

c) for children under 6 years old, the health insurance card worth the use on young enough to 72 months of age.

4. the health insurance Card not worth using in the following cases:

a) expiry of the card was used;

b) card being repaired, erasing;

c) people with the name on the card does not continue to participate in health insurance.

5. Organization of the model regulations health insurance medica,l insurance card, health insurance card management in the country and the slowest to January 2014 must implement the release of health insurance cards have pictures of medical insurance participants.