Friday, May 22, 2015

The function of the components of indirect water heater 2015

Besides learning about the manufacturer, features, warranty and maintenance products, when you purchase your water heater should also learn the origin of parts and equipment to ensure the safety of users when to use. We recommend that you consult the following article about the functions and components of the water heater. Enamelled hot water cylinders Enamelled hot water cylinders Water heater shell is usually made ??of plastic for small vessels and powder coated steel for large vessels. Insulation (PU) Thermo Polyurethane foam (PU) is injected into the space between the plastic shell and core machine with high density in order to retain heat and minimize heat loss when boiling water in it helps to save electricity. Granted a one-way valve (safety valve) One-way exhaust valve function when the average discharge problems, ensure the safety of users. Enameled water heater core The core machine is made from special steel plates to glaze. Steel plates are punching into two halves and then pretreated for degreasing and pickling. They are then welded together and created surface roughness inside the water heater core. Next they were coated with a layer of glaze and pour into a glass furnace at temperatures 800-860C. At this temperature the molecules of all sizes steel expansion facilitates enzymes molten glass leaching into surface forms a firm link between the steel and glass. This enamel glass protects the core average non-corrosive environmental conditions in all countries. Thanh Magnesium (Magnesium Anode) Try as he may to some glaze also can not cover the entire water heater heart, especially the second half of the weld area water heater and water lines welds and water. Even men can peel a few lines by technology and glaze imperfections or due to collisions in the transport process. When exposed to water, the contacts from corrosion perforation, caused incalculable consequences dangerous to life for the user. So Thanh magnesium (magnesium anode) is a secure solution to protect the water heater core against galvanic corrosion, increase longevity particular core water heater and water heater all in general. So magnesium rod water heater core protections like? Resistive bar Heater water heaters are usually made of alloy or copper. Heater to ensure good heat transfer conditions, good insulation and high-use time. Thermostat / thermal relay / Thermostat Thermostats are typically designed with two functions: - The first function is the function control (thermostat): When the average temperature reached 750C, the thermal relay does not automatically disconnect power supply to the heater, and the temperature dropped, the thermal relay automatically power back to the heater. - The second function is protection: In case of the first functions to malfunction, do not disconnect power at the 750C temperature second function will operate and the power cuts throughout the system, to help ensure the safety of people and equipment. Power cord Power cord is usually associated with the design RCBO LCB. Only the leakage is less than or equal to 15mA RCBO automatically disconnect the power supply to the average should not always safe for people and equipment. Display lights Indicator lights help average users know are active or not. Wires water inlet, the The water inlet is designed with a large lace system, connect terminals help ease and certainty.

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