Friday, May 22, 2015

Green Architecture - an inevitable development trend of the times

In the flow of contemporary architecture in the world, no matter the time and environment to integrate architecture and set goals together today. The university has uniform architecture design concept architecture design environment, or in the concept of architecture is always around the general concepts related to the environment. So, we live in an environment like? Environment that poses the problem to be solved? . Lessons urban development and economic growth in developed countries in the last decades have shown the environmental issues that our generation faces today, such as the greenhouse effect, ozone layer is compromised, the amount of emissions overloaded with stamina of the atmosphere, the phenomenon of desertification in many places, ice melting effect warming of the globe ... lots Congress discussed and international debate about the conflict between the environment and the sustainable development of mankind. The dream of a happy space is changing. School of Art, Design and Media, NTU Singapore - One of 10 green buildings in 2008 - according to In this situation, many countries have developed and applied strategies for sustainable urban development, to ensure a green environment with system-specific criteria such as: - BREEAM assessment method by the Building Research Organisation UK (Building Research Establishment - BRE) launched early in 1990 with 9 main criteria. - The challenge of green architecture (Green Building Challenge) is a method of evaluation by the Ministry of Natural Resources Canada (Natural Resources Canada) initiated, as of May 10/2000 with 19 countries participating in the drafting system with 8 criteria used to evaluate the environmental performance of the architecture. - Committee of the United States Green Building (USGBC) in 1995 proposed "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design School" (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design - LEED), to March 3/2000, the renovation and published documents LEED 2.0 - the evaluation criteria set by the American green Architecture designed to meet the assessment requirements of the green building construction market in the United States. The system evaluation criteria for green architecture of the countries have common content, basically: - The overall objective of the evaluation system of green architecture; - Build environment towards sustainable development: In which product architecture is considered as an organic constituent common environment, thereby leading to changes in cognitive activities Architecture - Planning, environment towards a higher quality of life of the community that is not separate from the natural environment. - Object oriented system to evaluate green building: Green architecture is not only a system of criteria aimed at professionals Architecture and urban planning, but also my community, with special emphasis on the role of social management activities with the overall policy mechanisms, as well as system solutions to be institutionalized in order to protect the environment and natural resources. On the other hand, raising awareness is a focal point of green architecture with publicity criteria system and the participation of local communities. Green architecture for system evaluation criteria of each country always interested in the environmental impact of buildings in particular, and the overall urban general to specific criteria such as: - Use energy saving and efficiency: towards design solutions alter community perceptions and habits of social life, through specific measures used in the project is architecture and urban planning. - Prioritize the use of clean energy sources such as natural origin utilize wind power, solar energy ... aimed at saving natural resources, prevent and control emissions of CO2 emission levels, causing the greenhouse effect, adversely affecting the environment, restrictions and control of air pollution sources to the natural environment. - Use of raw materials and construction materials of natural origin, circulatory lifecycle to ensure structures sustainability and recyclability, without causing harm to the environment. - Use effective saving and water resources: to avoid wasteful consumption and leakage, improve water reuse, avoid contaminating effects of natural water resources, changing the system techniques applied in urban planning projects as well as the architecture. - Strengthening of urban trees and in buildings is considered to be a specific solution, to improve the living environment and put people back to nature. Since then, the solution is also planning changes in the use of land resources, with specific solutions to improve the efficiency of land use applications and technology solutions to enhance area green living environment. - Quality of the environment is a criterion, and the goal of green architecture. Quality indoor and outdoor environments are digitized by multiple technical parameters to lead to feeling healthy and comfortable for the user. Ecological environment really brings freshness, quality of life and enhance performance of human labor. The set of criteria system of green architecture will be achieved through the solution system architecture, planning, and systems technology applications in architecture and urban. Due to socio-economic conditions are different, in different natural environments that build water systems separate criteria, with high adaptability, to resolve relationship conflicts between people and the environment in development process. Along with this criterion system, awareness of beauty in architecture has made the change - toward depth of thinking and living environment quality. However, along with the environmental changes, the evaluation system of green architecture is always growing, high-powered computer to adapt to the demands of the environment.

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